Ability to change default donation % to Zeffy
I would like to be able to adjust the donation % to Zeffy that donors see under the order summary.
The smallest % after a certain donation amount is 17%. I want my donors to give back to Zeffy but 17% can be a jarring amount, and the % only goes up from there. I know donors can input their own donation to Zeffy, but I believe it would be more effective if users had the ability to adjust those % up or down as they see fit based on their visitor base.
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Maryse from Zeffy
Merged in a post:
Choice of donation amount for Zeffy donnation for customers / Choix de base du montant de donation pour Zeffy pour les client
We should have a basic choice of donation amount for Zeffy donnation for customers and let them decide for themselves if they want to donate more, rather than enticing them with $6. On a $25 ticket, this gives the impression that we're suggesting a basic 24%, which is a bit exaggerated. In this box, we should also have the choice of displaying it in dollars or in percentages.
On devrait avoir le choix de base du montant de donation pour Zeffy pour les client et laisser les clients décider eux-mêmes si ils veulent en donner plus et non les inciter avec 6$ en partant.Sur un billet de 25$ cela donne l’impression que l’on suggère un 24% de base ce qui un peut exagérer. De dans cette case on devrait aussi avoir le choix de l’afficher en dollars ou en pourcentages
Maryse from Zeffy
Merged in a post:
Ability to customize platform contributions for non-profits
Instead of Zeffy calculating contributions to zeffy platform, allow non-profits to customize fixed dollar amounts based on the event. This would generate some revenue for zeffy instead of users selecting none and also improve user experience by avoiding the need for us to communicate instructions to users. This feature benefits both non-profits who are your customers and the end users of non-profits (platform users).
I completely agree, I feel I have to add a disclaimer to all of my donation and ticket purchasing links that shows people how to manually make the zeffy add-on amount smaller. And still, I have actually lost tickets sales because people get scared by the high percentage add-on and don't take the time to manually select "other" and add their own amount or zero. People already anticipate having to pay processing fees, why doesn't zeffy just phrase it as such or make it a 3% add-on?
Maryse from Zeffy
Merged in a post:
Change the word donation on the form
Instead of saying "donation" in the summary section of a form, could you say something like "would you like to cover the cost of the fees"? It seems that donors get confused because you are using the word donation. It would also be helpful to start with a smaller suggested donation. 17% is very high and many donors do not take the time to read the fine print and think they are being charged an additional fee from us. I understand what you are doing, but it is not as straight forward as it could be which would eliminate confusion and frustration. PayPal charges 2.5% plus a small transaction fee. So to jump to 17% rubs people the wrong way.
WCSFA Secretary
Maryse from Zeffy
I'm surprised this post hasn't been merged into this older one:
I am considering switching to Zeffy from PayPal for Nonprofits. PayPal fees are 1.9% + a per transaction fee. A $10 PayPal donation has the query of "Add $0.70 USD to help cover the fees." This is palatable and typically a no-brainer. A much more normal place to start would be 3%. Showing 17% is absurd, off-putting and takes a bit of explaining to the donor ahead of them clicking through to the Zeffy page. I am not sure it is worth the effort to switch, although I am mostly there already, or how this will impact the upcoming campaign to our subscribers for our annual Memorial Scholarship drive to support graduating High School Seniors.
Je suis d'accord. Bien que je comprenne totalement le fait de suggérer un "don" à Zeffy et que c'est vraiment super pour nous et vous, il faut être cohérent...
Dans la nouvelle page Accueil qui vient d'apparait (mode admin), vous indiquez un texte dans le bas droite qui indique : "Tous les logiciels facturent entre 3 et 10%...
Dans le formulaire de don, votre suggestion de Don pour soutenir la plateforme pour un don de 100$ est 15%, sinon 18%, sinon 20%, sinon Autre.
Il me semble que c'est exagéré et incohérent avec les réels frais facturés par d'autres plateforme. Je comprendrais un 4-6-10 par exemple. Car on sait que vous absorbez les frais de 2-3% pour Stripe. Pour le moment, j'ai des commentaires de donateurs qui trouvent inquiétant cette hauteur de suggestion de don pour vous soutenir.
There is an issue with the ticket interface. The "Add a Donation" box always has an amount in it, instead of starting with zero. Some patreons get confused by that and think that since there is an amount already in there, they have to contribute or that this is a ticket charge. This becomes very problematic if ticket refunds are given.
Please make it so the additional donation box on the ticket form starts at $0. I know having the donation box there is an option. I do wish to utilize it, but it has to start at $0 to avoid confusion.
Sean completely agree as well! Has anyone heard if this might be something that can be edited or "default" to $0.00 or a different percentage?
I agree! The high default % scares or upsets donors (especially if they don’t notice it and realize only after paying) so they will probably put zero instead. But if you start with a 5% default, you might just make up in volumes the amount earned by Zeffy. Worth a try no?
Great idea. The high defaults scares donors away altogether.
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