Customize Membership card / Personnaliser la carte de membre
Rowan from Zeffy
I want the membership card title to reflect the type of membership my buyer selected, rather than the title of my form, and the possibility to customize the look/color/visuals of the membership card. / J'aimerais pouvoir personnaliser les informations affichées sur la carte de membre et pouvoir modifier l'image, la couleur et le look.
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please allow membership card personalization - current auto-generated cards are not representative
Please allow membership cards to be fully customizable. Our members complain that it looks like a membership to Zeffy...
Would love to be able to customize the membership card. It is huge when it prints so editing the size and the layout would be great!
Upvote, but the concern of my membership organization is the membership renewal letter. We don't rely on membership cards but want to rely on the renewal letter to prompt those who have not signed up for yearly membership to renew.
Even if we can't gain the ability to adapt the standard message, if you added a statement prompting them to go to their donor account or, as is provided in the original payment acknowledgment message, how to set up a donor account, it would be most helpful.
Lacking that, we will have to reach out to each person whose membership is expiring to let them know how to renew.
I'm sure other organizations would benefit from such a change.
We need this so we have expiration dates.
i would like to be able to adjust the membership # as well, when i manually renew someone it gives them a new membership #
Definitely a great idea to be able to customize membership cards!
I would also like to be able to customize our membership card using the questions asked in the form. Ie. We use emergency contacts and their phone number.
It would be great to have the ability to add a picture of the member to the card for something like season passes to prevent passing the cards around.
It would be great to be able to add or remove the information we want on our membership card. And as many other members suggested, change the colours, background, look, overall visual, maybe add some little designs.
This can be an important part of our organisations identities! Thank you!
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