Edit form URL for cloned forms
I've been cloning forms so I don't have to start from scratch every time, but all of a sudden, when I clone a form and change the information for the new one, the url to share the form is using the title of the cloned form for the URL, which means the new form has a url with someone else's name or information in it. What happened? the urls used to be unique!
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Michel (Product @Zeffy)
Michel (Product @Zeffy)
Hi Erin,
Sorry for the delay but I'm glad to announce that this feature has been released officially today so you should not have any issue cloning forms moving forward.
Thanks for your patience!
I think this is an important necessary fix also
Seattle Koyasan
A big plus 1. Please prioritize this fix as soon as possible.
Maryse from Zeffy
Maryse from Zeffy
Merged in a post:
Permettre de modifier l'URL d'un formulaire
J'ai dupliqué un formulaire et je constate que malgré que je change le nom, l'URL demeure au nom du formulaire initial. Il faudrait corriger cela pour que l'URL du formulaire dupliqué représente le nouveau nom, ou encore nous permettre de modifier manuellement l'URL
Michel (Product @Zeffy)
Indeed this behaviour is far from ideal, we will release a new experience shortly that would allow you to rename the newly cloned form so that the URL adapts accordingly.
Stay tuned!
Michel (Product @Zeffy) We should just be able to rename the form whether it is cloned or not! Or go back to the unique URLs you had before so we don't even have to think about it confusing people.
Michel (Product @Zeffy)
Naomi again I totally agree that you should be able to rename a form when cloning, we're working on it at the moment and it should be made live within the next 2 weeks.
I'm not sure if you also implied that you should be able to change the URL of a form AFTER it was created. We do not plan to allow for this in the near future because it would mean that if the first link was shared to donors, they will end up on a dead page and we don't want to hurt your campaign funding.
That's why we made the choice that, once a form is created, a unique URL is generated and cannot be altered so that we remove any risk of dead link.
Does it make sense?
Michel (Product @Zeffy) actually that does make sense - this situation was just frustrating; And for the last series of concerts I had generic names (concert 1, concert 2, concert 3) for the three events and then was able to update them to the actual concert names (Fall Mysticism, December Splendour, Springburst) without worrying about the URL being incorrect or just 'not matching' which would happen with this new system.
Michel (Product @Zeffy)
Hi Naomi,
Sorry for the delay but I'm glad to announce that this feature has been released officially today so you should not have any issue cloning forms moving forward.
Thanks for your patience!
I just realized this too. HORRIBLE. Now I have to recreate my form from scratch. Zeffy, you must enable editing the URL or cloning is rendered useless. It's a terrible user experience to see that your link to purchase a custom water bottle (for example) says "hurricane-relief-fundraiser" in it when one has nothing to do with the other.
Michel (Product @Zeffy)
Indeed, we are working on it, it should be made available within the next 2 weeks!