Have returning Contact information prefill the form when the email address is entered
I make several donations and renew my membership and find it tedious to have to enter information that Zeffy already has in my Contact record. It would be very nice if when I enter my email into the form the remaining fields Name, Address, City, State and Zip fields would populate from my contact data in Zeffy. If I have allowed you to store my credit card information that should also prefill.
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Maryse from Zeffy
Merged in a post:
Auto Populate forms from existing Customer List
Allow all forms to auto-populate a customers information after they have entered all of their required information so they do not have re-enter their address, phone, email every single time. When at an in-person event for say raffle ticket purchases they are likely to purchase several times throughout the evening and re-entering everything every time is extremely frustrating and cumbersome.
Merged in a post:
Pre-fill donor information.
Use the e-mail to retrieve the donor information from previous transactions. This would save time for the donor and encourage them to return.