I want to be able to customize my data exports - Je veux pouvoir customiser mon export
in progress
Rowan from Zeffy
I want to choose which data or columns is included in my exported report.
J'aimerai pouvoir choisir les colonnes ou données qui sont incluses dans mon export.
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Jen H
But don't forget to allow users to save data exports, please! :) (As in save the customization.)
Rowan from Zeffy
in progress
Dans la section Contact, pourquoi si je sélectionne un contact en particulier le bouton "exporté" qui apparait (en bas sur la ligne bleue), je n'ai pas la même option que le bouton exporter en haut, sois "rapport de donateur". J'ai seulement l'export du contact en tant que tel et non ses dons associés
Donc pour avoir les dons d'un ou d'une sélection de donateur, je dois exporter l'ensemble du rapport donateur et manipuler Excel.
Il me semble que la fonction est déjà là, donc devrais être accessible même si je ne sélectionne qu'un seul ou quelques donateurs.
Really looking forward to this happening! It will be a great time saver.
Rowan from Zeffy
Maryse from Zeffy
Merged in a post:
Create a reports page to produce reports on each form. For example if I made 700 in sales, it would populate the names and how much they spent adding up to why it's 700 in sales.
When I click export it just shows a lot of information but I need to show the basic report to a director without all the misc. information.
We have been using google forms for all our registrations and this year moved to zeffy. When we export the registration information, there are a lot of columns that are not needed? Also the order of the columns might change from one download to the other for example if we cancel a registration or issue a refund or someone checks in? This throws our system off when we copy the data into our forms.
Alternatively, if it would be a phase 0 step to take...when you export, I'd like to get a download that includes EVERY column in the form so that EVERY export was always in the exact same order with the same columns. That would simplify things because I could count on a consistent data structure. Once I have the download, I import it into another database anyway, so this would make it scriptable. Right now, since the columns reported in an export change from download to download on the same form, I have to manually map every import. I understand the idea behind only exporting those columns that have data, but that inconsistency actually makes it far worse.
Maryse from Zeffy
Merged in a post:
Custom export excel file
Centre Communautaire Musulman de Montréal
To be able to customize the content of the data export in excel file
Would love this. Also right now each sold “ticket” item is in a new row. I would like to get it in the same row as a column item. This will prevent me from having to make pivot tables and do manual excel work to make it a usable file.
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