Indicate the payout date on a payment, to easily see which payments have been paid out to our bank account / Ajouter la date de virement à chaque transaction, pour voir quelles transactions ont été virées dans notre compte bancaire ou non
Maryse from Zeffy
I would like to easily see which transactions have been paid out to our bank account, either with an updated "status" tag, or with the payout date in the transaction drawer. / J'aimerais pouvoir facilement voir quels paiements ont été versés dans notre compte bancaire ou non, soit en ajoutant une étiquette "Viré" comme statut de la transaction, ou la date du dépôt dans les détails de la transaction.
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Rowan from Zeffy
The payout date is now available in the last column of your payments report!
La date de paiement est désormais disponible dans la dernière colonne de votre rapport de paiements !
Rowan from Zeffy: Is it only on the report that is generated once Zeffy sends a payment is to the bank? I was hoping it would be the transfer date of each individual transaction in the list and would allow us to scan a list and reconcile it quickly. If this works for everyone else, then I'm OK with it too.
Rowan from Zeffy
Hi April: Thanks for your question! The date appears in Payment report, which you can export from the Payment tab of your dashboard. It shows up for each individual transaction, so you don't have to use your different payout reports, you can just use your one payment report. Is this what you were looking for? I hope this helps, thanks!
Rowan from Zeffy: Great, thanks!
Bishop Gerald Raymond
God love a chairfull giver to his ministry
Oui, svp
Yes please!! It is so challenging to reconcile payments without having specific data to access regarding which donations/payments have been completed and what is still outstanding.
Ça m’intéresse grandement !!!!
c'est une excellent idée que notre comptable appréciera
Rowan from Zeffy
in progress
Rowan from Zeffy
under review